Specialist Transport - Logistics

We are opened and still operating as usual. Currently, all ports and warehouses are operational. We have a regular number of drivers traveling throughout Europe.

Contact us !

+33 4 65 84 16 60

Road Transport Express

Express delivery, fast - Vehicles dedicated

Urgent transport, rapid or express part of our proven expertise  Bespoke and responsiveness are the watchwords of Transports Germain. We reply you as soon as possible.

Urgent requests, special or atypical? Our flexibility is at your service.

To meet your requirements, Transports Germain offers adapted vehicles: :

  • Light vehicles / Trucks
  • Temperature-controlled vehicles
  • Vehicles with tail lift
  • Implementation of appropriate equipment: straps, tarpaulins, movie...
  • Taking into account the value of your goods with suitable handling and if you want, adequate insurance..

Depending on your requirements we can: packaging, repackaging, crate, insulate, protect your goods, etc..

To transport your goods in a tight deadline or urgent , Transports Germain set up for you a relay drivers, to meet the regulatory time line (CSR).

For any inquiry, thank you contact us: contact@transportsgermain.com