Specialist Transport - Logistics
We are opened and still operating as usual. Currently, all ports and warehouses are operational. We have a regular number of drivers traveling throughout Europe.
+33 4 65 84 16 60
Our company › Terms and Privacy
This is the website of the carrier Transports Germain
We collect personal information on the carrier's website Transports Germain . These data are managed by our company. When you visit our site, we store :
A cookie is a small file sent by a web server that attaches to the hard drive of your computer. This file keeps track of internal websites visited and contains more information on this visit. We use this site a cookie to keep the memory of your language choice.
When we receive or transfer your data on our website , we always use the coding technologies recognized as standards in the IT sector. We have incorporated the necessary security measures to prevent loss, unlawful use or alteration of information that we receive on our website. When we receive or transmit sensitive information, such as , for example, financial information , we use a secure server.
If you want more information on our management of the protection of privacy, you can contact us
You may be contacted by telephone by our company with regard to information about our products and services and
upcoming events . If you do not or no longer wish to receive such telephone calls , please contact us at
the above address .
NB : In this case , you must not forget to give us your name and address ( spelled correctly ) .
We commit ourselves to delete your data request in the list we use with other companies .
you may be contacted by e -mail by our company , in relation to information about our products and services or upcoming
events ( for the purposes of direct marketing) , if you have given us your explicit consent or if you are already our
client and we have shared your e -mail address. If you no longer wish to receive these emails , please contact us
at the above address .
NB : In this case , you must not forget to give us your name and address ( spelled correctly ) .
We commit ourselves to delete your data request in the list we use with other companies .
We provide on request to our site visitors access to all information that we maintain about them. If you want to access
this information , please contact us at the above address .
We provide visitors, at their request, the opportunity to correct any incorrect information that we have of them .
If you wish to correct your personal data, please contact us at the above address .
If you think that our site does not comply with our policy of protection of privacy , please contact us at the above
address .
Transports Germain may use consumer information for new purposes , which are not yet described in our policy to protect privacy. If this is the case , we will contact you before we use your data for these new purposes to notify you of these changes and provide you the opportunity to refuse participation.
The following terms and conditions are applicable to the information you find on the website of the carrier Transports Germain . Data published on this website are purely informative character .
The prices listed on the website is purely informative and can only bind the company until they are confirmed by a written contract signed . All prices are quoted in Euros . These prices are always quoted inclusive of VAT. Transports Germain has the right to change prices listed before you place an order.
Logistics services are fully subject to the European legislation and the courts of the judicial district of the city of the country concerned shall have jurisdiction.
All titles of these terms are intended only to be a practical reference and do not form part of these conditions. These securities are not applicable in the interpretation or explanation of these conditions. If any provision or a particular statement of this contract should be invalid or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, that provision or statement remain executable as far as legally possible , and the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions are not in any way affected or influenced .
A request for information on the website Transports Germain is electronically. Therefore you agree that Transports Germain contact you electronically . Transports Germain is allowed to send you messages and other communications by e -mail regarding your request for information through the internet .
You have the right at any time to check your data, correct errors or delete information from our database.
You can always contact us about
E-mail: infos@transportsgermain.com