Specialist Transport - Logistics

We adapt our services and we continue to deliver. We are opened and still operating as usual. Currently, all ports and warehouses are operational. We have a regular number of drivers traveling throughout Europe.

Contact us !

+33 4 65 84 16 60

Marine Transportation America

Transport destination - America

Mastering the Supply Chain and Logistics, Transports Germain manages and optimizes your entire transportation chain for your trade with America.

North America is the world's largest economy. Industrialized countries, now largely turned to the tertiary sector and relying heavily on innovation, the United States is also rich in natural resources and is a major exporter of cultural goods.

Maritime routes in america

Transports Germain designs and manages your transportation of goods, import or export, with the following countries:

  • United States (USA)
  • Canada
  • Central and Latin America
  • West Indies

Arrangements for transporting your goods

We offer multiple configurations of transport, depending on your needs, your specifications and your constraints:

  • Formulas groupage (LCL)
  • Formulas in full container (FCL)
  • Maritime river road / rail / multimodal transport
  • Storage to your request on port area
  • Traceability of shipments: positioning containers, confirmation of shipment, arrival at destination ...
  • Other expectations, specify when our exchanges

Strengths of our society

  • Tip : advice on the laws in force
  • Legislation : une expertise selon les Incoterms en vigueur et la marchandise à transporter
  • Warranty : expertise Incoterms in force and the goods to be transported
  • Quality : an extensive network of partners selected for their reliability
  • Expertise : a guarantee of receiving your goods through our local experts
  • Trust : Confidence values ​​of trust and partnership forged through time

Contact us for more information or a quote for your transportation: contact@transportsgermain.com