Specialist Transport - Logistics
We are opened and still operating as usual. Currently, all ports and warehouses are operational. We have a regular number of drivers traveling throughout Europe.
+33 4 65 84 16 60
Marine Transportation › Our expertise in maritime freight
Transports Germain covers the operations of maritime transport by ship on 5 continents.
Through our network of partners , we ensure the delivery of your goods to and from ports and destinations worldwide.
Transports Germain accompany you and guide you towards the best combination of transport : road, rail, road, inland waterway, sea per vessel in the utmost respect of Incoterms .
Several organizations are available for the delivery of your goods : from the factory, from the port , in "door to door ", etc. .
The Ad- Valorem insurance offered by Transports Germain can cover your goods throughout the transportation chain. This warranty covers all risks : damage, loss, theft, harsh weather , and other cases of force majeure ... It may be advised by you study your project, your destination and the value of your shipment .